Hydrogen Water vs Alkaline Ionized Water

So What’s all this hype about Hydrogen? 


So recently in the market we have been hearing a lot about hydrogen water products. Hydrogen seems to be the new upcoming MVP in this industry but is really all what it’s been hyped up to be?

Should we throw away our water ionizers and buy hydrogen water generators now?

Of course not! In fact Water Ionizer’s are a Lifestyle Water Machine. With water ionizers they can be used for all aspects of your daily life to help you live a healthier and better lifestyle. Unlike Hydrogen water generators which only produce hydrogen water,  water Ionizers can be used as a organic cleaning / disinfectant with acid water. You can use the alkaline water to wash your fruits and vegetables to reduce pesticide residue.

In fact with mild acid you can also use it as a moisturizer. The list goes on. In addition you also get benefits from the various properties that come with water ionization including Oxidation reduction potentialMicro Clustering WaterPH balance

So you may ask but what does this have to do with Hydrogen? 


Well as we are seeing more and more studies talk about benefits that hydrogen has for our bodies as well, you may have guessed it.

Hydrogen Found in Electric Ionizers

Electric Ionized Water also has Hydrogen in the water, and in fact there are ways that you can enhance the Hydrogen content even more with the Chanson Miracle MaxRevolution, & Royale Ionizers.


From the video below you can see that we are creating hydrogen in our water from the Electric Ionizer, this is because the ionizers also do create hydrogen. But you might ask, well many of the Hydrogen generators in the market today generate at least 1000PPB of hydrogen, your machine here is only showing  500PPB.

Generate Hydrogen from your Ionizer

Well now we are going to show you a method to turn your lifestyle water machine into a perfect hydrogen generator. With the mineral insert port  on our Miracle Max, Revolution, Royale Ionizer and some magnesium balls now you can get up to 1200PPB of hydrogen in your water.

Method to Make more Hydrogen

Place Magnesium balls into the mineral insert port that Chanson Ionizers and you can generate more than 1200PPB of hydrogen in our water.

The Hydrogen Hype

Hydrogen is
another product in the market but when it comes to so many aspects of
health or healthier living, personally Electric Ionizers are really the way to
go. Not only does it provide so much more value for our lives there are
limitless uses of this product that really makes it so versatile. A truly swiss
army knife for water. Hydrogen is just only one of the aspects of drinking living
water. Truly there are other factors in the water that are also important to
our health and really improving our daily lifestyles.


So at Chanson we are here to
promote a lifestyle product, a product that you can use in all aspects of your
daily life. Later we will talk about all the uses that Water ionizers can
product and come visit so stay updated so we can let you know how Chanson
really can make a difference in your lifestyle and your families.

 3 really important concepts of this special water that was designed by the Japanese.

1.) Balancing the bodies blood pH
2.) Microclustering Water for better hydration
– ORP (Oxidizing Reduction Potential)

So next time you grab a glass of water look at and think to yourself are you drinking the right kind of water? If not, get a glass of Chanson and give it a try for yourself.


You will definitely see & feel the difference.

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